The purpose of surface treatment of polymer-based materials is to increase surface wettability through electrical discharge. The low surface energy of polymer-based substrates often leads to poor adhesion of inks, glues and coatings. To obtain optimum adhesion, it is necessary to increase the surface energy of the substrate to just above that of the material to be applied. Surface Treatment with Corona results in good wetting of the material over the surface of the substrate and so improves adhesion。
低溫等離子體纖維束處理機 等離子體放電效果圖 大氣低溫等離子體絲束處理機是采用大氣準輝光放電技術的絲束等離子表面改性處理的產品??梢蕴幚砀鞣N高分子材料的單絲、絲束、碳纖維、芳綸、電線電纜等。 | |
PG-1000Z射流大氣 低溫等離子體電纜或管線處理機 放電效果圖 特點: 可以處理任何金屬或高分子電纜、光纜或管線、金屬絲或碳纖維絲束等。 | |
PTE-2000S低溫等離子電纜處理裝置 PTE-2000S低溫等離子差分電源 | PTE-2000S 低溫等離子體電線電纜處理機 用途:PTE-2000S是電線電纜行業專用的設備,可以在氟塑料,高密度聚乙烯,硅橡膠產品表面進行有效的等離子處理,提高印刷及噴碼對產品附著力的需求。Plasma pte-2000s is a unique and costeffective method for optimising the adhesion properties of printing inks and coatings onto polymer cable insulations such as PE, PP, and PTFE. 特點:PTE-2000S是屬于CORONA放電形式,產生的低溫等離子電子溫度高,可以達到10電子伏特以上,可以對氟塑料,高密度聚乙烯,硅橡膠產品表面進行有效的等離子處理。兩電極之放電間隙大,可以達到10mm以上,可以處理有金屬芯線的線纜,也可以處理沒有金屬芯線的管線。處理后,材料表面無任何痕跡,表面附著力通??蛇_55~80達因/厘米。 |